Name:Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Local name (French):Congo (République Démocratique du Congo)
Former name:Zaire (Zaïre) – 1971-1997
Bordering countries:Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo
Status:sovereign state
Surface:2 345.4 ths. sq. km
Population (2003):56 625 ths.
Official language:French

Current national symbols

Historical symbols:
Belgian Congo (1885-1960)
Republic of the Congo (1960-1966)
Self-proclaimed states in the Congo (1960-1963)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1966-1971)
Republic of Zaire (1971-1997)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (since 1997)

Ethnic symbols

African Union

Main index