Name:Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon)
Local name (French):Cameroun (République du Cameroun)
Bordering countries:Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria
Status:sovereign state
Surface:475.4 ths. sq. km
Population (2003):15 746 ths.
Capital:Yaounde (Yaoundé)
Official languages:French, English

Current national symbols

Historical symbols:
German Cameroon 1884-1919
French mandate (1922-1946) and trust (1946-1960) territory of Cameroon
British mandate (1922-1946) and trust (1946-1961) territory of Cameroon
Republic of Cameroon (1958-1961)
Federal Republic of Cameroon (1961-1972)
United Republic of Cameroon (1972-1984)
Republic of Cameroon (since 1984)

Ethnic and separatist symbols

African Union   The Commonwealth

Main index