Name:Greece (Greek Republic)
Local name (Greek):Eλλας (Eλλινικη Δημoκρατια)
Bordering countries:Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania
Status:sovereign state
Surface:131.9 ths. sq. km
Population (2003):10 666 ths.
Capital:Athens (Aθηνα)
Official language:Greek

Current national symbols

Regional and ethnic symbols

Historical symbols:
Byzantine Empire (395-1453)
Greece in Ottoman Empire (1400-1830/1912)
Ionian Islands (1800-1863)
Kingdom of Greece (1832-1924)
Greek Republic (1924-1935)
Kingdom of Greece (1935-1967)
Military Government (1967-1973)
Greek Republic (since 1973)

European Union

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